Across the Company, from our manufacturing and distribution sites to our offices, our focus is on Zero Harm.
The Company’s FY2012 Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) remains below one incident for every million hours worked. The Medically Treated Injury Frequency Rate (MTIFR) improved by 10% to 5.7 per million hours worked.
Safety performance recognised
BlueScope’s safety performance is recognised in many of the countries where we operate around the world. Awards received during FY2012 include:
- BlueScope Steel Indonesia received the 'Zero Accident Award' from the Minister of Manpower & Transmigration Republic Indonesia.
- BlueScope Thailand was awarded the Corporate Social Responsibility Award from the Rayong Governor.
- Lysaght Vietnam was named the Best OHS Performance Company in Vietnam by MoLISA.
- In Australia, Lysaght won the Improvement Initiative award in the Australian Steel Institute National Health & Safety Excellence Awards; and Supply Chain & Processing was awarded the Industrial Foundation for Accident Prevention (IFAP) / CGU Platinum Safety Award.
- BlueScope Buildings Guangzhou (Butler and Lysaght) attained 2011 Guangzhou City Safety Culture award.
- BlueScope Buildings Monterrey received recognition from Federal Labour Dept for Legal Requirements Accomplishments.