Over the past 20 years, BlueScope Steel has made significant investments in a range of environmental improvement initiatives. In excess of half a billion dollars has been invested in projects during the period and these initiatives are aligned and support the improvement targets within BlueScope's environmental risk framework.
Appropriately, a large proportion of these initiatives have targeted and achieved significant improvements in dust and air emissions from our major steel producing facilities across the world. Major capital investments in the areas of waste gas cleaning and processing, particulate removal, and fugitive dust emissions have contributed to improving the air quality in the communities in which we operate.
Equally, significant investments in process improvements have realised energy and greenhouse gas reductions and improved process security and stability.
Recognising the critical importance of water conservation in many of the countries in which we operate, major investments have been made in establishing alternative recycled water sources for our major operations. Similarly investments in improving water quality and the development of systems for ecological protection in water courses have been substantial.
Investments to reduce waste and by-products have resulted in significant improvements in waste minimisation, reducing wastes to landfill.